Samsung Exynos 9825 vs Snapdragon 765G Processor

Samsung Exynos 9825 vs Snapdragon 765G Processor. Who is Best?

Processors Tech Comparison

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 765G processor is a fairly good processor in itself. With its help, we get very good performance in our smartphones. So that we can do all our tasks easily. But if we put any processor in this processor, then Samsung’s Exynos 9825 Processor gives it a very good competition. This processor is also a fairly good processor. But if we have to choose one of these processors, then for this, first we have to compare the features of these two processors. So full comparison of the Snapdragon 765G vs Exynos 9825 processor is given below.

This is both a very good processor in itself. But Snapdragon 765G also supports 5G. Due to which we also get the support of 5G in our smartphones. And this is a very good plus point of this processor. So we will compare all the features of these two processors step by step.

Snapdragon 765G vs Exynos 9825 Processor Full Comparison

Launch Date

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
Qualcomm officially launched its Snapdragon 765G Processor on 04 December 2019.Samsung officially launched its Exynos 9825 Processor in 07Augest 2019.

CPU & CPU Clock Speed in Exynos 9825 and Snapdragon 765G Processor

The Snapdragon 765G has a tri cluster architecture installed. In which big little approach of 1 + 1 + 6 has been implemented. At the same time, tri cluster architecture has been installed in the Exynos 9825 processor. In which the big little approach of 2+2+4 has been implemented.

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
The Snapdragon 765G has previously been fitted with 1X core high-performance tasks. Here the KRYO 475 Prime CPU is installed which is based on ARM CORTEX-A76. Which has a clock speed of 2.4 GHz.Exynos 9825 has been previously fitted with a 2X core high-performance task. In which MANGOOSE (M4) CPU of Samsung is installed. Which has a clock speed of 2.73 GHz.
Here the next 1X core is set for the low-performance tasks. Here the KRYO 475 Gold CPU is installed which is based on ARM CORTEX-A76. Which has a clock speed of 2.2 GHz.Two cores are installed here for low-performance tasks. Which has an ARM Cortex A75 CPU. Whose clock speed is 2.4 GHz.
There are 6X cores for efficiency tasks. Here the KRYO 475 Silver CPU is installed which is based on ARM CORTEX-A75. Which has a clock speed of 1.8 GHz.There are four cores for efficiency tasks. Which has an ARM Cortex A55 CPU. Whose clock speed is 1.9 GHz.

Now, if the CPU of these two processors is looked at properly, then the Exynos 9825 gets better clock speed than Snapdragon 765G. That is, with the help of this processor, we will get very good processing speed in our smartphones.


CPU Fabrication Process

If we talk about the CPU Fabrication Process, then Snapdragon 765G processor is built on the 8NM fabrication process. And the Exynos 9825 processor is built on the 7nm (Nanometer) EUV fabrication process. In the case of the CPU Fabrication Process, Exynos 9825 can give good performance due to EUV fabrication.

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CPU Architecture & Core

Both these processors are 64-bit octa-core processors. That is, both these processors have 8-8 cores for task distribution and multi-tasking.

Graphing Processing Unit (GPU) in Exynos 9825 and Snapdragon 765G Processor

If we look at the GPU in both these processors

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
QUALCOMM ADRENO 620 GPU has been installed in the Snapdragon 765G Processor.The Exynos 9825 Processor features ARM MALI G76 MP12 GPU. Whose clock speed is 600 MHZ.
This GPU also remains at 7nm.This GPU also remains at 7nm. It is a 12 core GPU.

Ram Support

Different rams are supported in both these processors.

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
The Snapdragon 765G Processor supports Dual Channel LPDDR4X Ram. Which has a RAM frequency of up to 2133 MHZ.Dual Channel Ram is also supported in Exynos 9825 Processor. Which has a RAM frequency of up to 2093 MHZ.
This processor supports up to 12GB of RAM.This processor also gets Ram support of up to 12GB.

If we talk about Ram support in both processors, then the same ram is supported in both processors. But the Snapdragon 765G has a higher ram frequency than the Exynos 9825.

Storage Support

The Snapdragon 765G and Exynos 9825 Processor support EMMC 5.1, UFS 2.1, and UFS 3.1 all three types of storage.

Camera Support

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
This processor supports two 22 + 22 (megapixel) cameras simultaneously.This processor can support two 16+16 (megapixel) cameras simultaneously.
This processor supports a 36 MP (megapixel) single camera. Here it also has the support of MFNR ZSL.This processor supports a 22 MP (megapixel) single camera.
This processor supports a maximum of 192MP camera.

If we talk about camera support in both processors, then Snapdragon 765G gets better camera support than Exynos 9825 processor.

Samsung Exynos 9825 Processor

Video Capture Resolution

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
This processor has the support of 8K video recording, at 30FPS.
This processor supports 4K video recording at 30FPS. Whose pixel size is 2160P.This processor also has support for 4K video recording at 150FPS.
This processor has support for 1080P video recording at 60FPS.
This processor has support for 720P video recording at 480FPS.

In terms of video recording, Exynos 9825 can do much better video recording. But more options of video recording are available in Snapdragon 765G.

Display Support

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
This processor also supports QHD+ display. With which the refresh rate is 60HZ. The pixel support available in it is 1440×3360.4K display is supported in this processor. The pixel support available in it is 4096×2160.
This processor also supports Full HD+ display. With which the refresh rate is 120HZ. The pixel support available in it is 2560×1080.This processor supports WQUXGA display. The pixel support available in it is 3840×2400.

The Exynos 9825 performs better than the Snapdragon 765G in terms of display support.

LTE Modem

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
X52 Integrated 5G Modem is supported in this processor.Integrated LTE-Advanced Pro Modem is supported in this processor.
Here, Download Speed 3.7 GBPS and Uploads Speed 1.6 GBPS are available on the 5G network.It has Download Speed 2 GBPS and Uploads Speed 316 MBPS.
Here on the 4G network Download Speed 1.2 GBPS and Uploads Speed 210 MBPS is available.

Antutu Scores of Exynos 9825 and Snapdragon 765G Processor

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
The ANTUTU score of the Snapdragon 765G Processor is 3,20,847.The ANTUTU score of the Exynos 9825 Processor is 4,42,568.

Geekbench Scores of Exynos 9825 and Snapdragon 765G Processor

Snapdragon 765G ProcessorExynos 9825 Processor
The Geekbench score that Snapdragon 765G Processor has received in Single Core is 593.The Geekbench score that Exynos 9825 Processor has received in Single Core is 751.
Snapdragon 765G Processor gets 1,819 Geekbench scores in Multi-Core.Exynos 9825 Processor gets 2,155 Geekbench scores in Multi-Core.


If both these processors are concluded then Exynos 9825 is performing well in some places then Snapdragon 765G is performing well in some places. But the processing speed is much better in Exynos 9825. But 5G support is not available in it. Which we get in the Snapdragon 765G processor. Hence, Snapdragon 765G is performing well in terms of 5G support.

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