Snapdragon 720G vs Snapdragon 730G Processor

Snapdragon 720G vs Snapdragon 730G Processor Comparison. Who is Best?

Processors Tech Comparison

Today we will compare two of Qualcomm’s best processors Snapdragon 720G vs Snapdragon 730G. Because both these processors have been used heavily in mid-range smartphones.

Both Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G are Qualcomm, 7 series processors. In which Qualcomm has put quite good features. With the help of which we get very good performance.

If we have to choose one of these two processors, then we have to compare both of them first. Only then will we be able to choose the correct processor. So a full comparison of Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G vs Snapdragon 730G is given below.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G vs Snapdragon 730G Processor Full Comparison

Launch Date

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
Qualcomm officially launched its Snapdragon 720G Processor on 21 January 2020.Qualcomm officially launched its Snapdragon 730G Processor on 09 April 2019.

CPU & CPU Clock Speed in Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G Processor

Dual cluster architecture has been installed in Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G processor. In both these processors, a big little approach of 2+6 has been implemented.

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
Snapdragon 720G has the first 2X cores for performance tasks. In which KRYO 465 Gold CPU is installed which is based on ARM Cortex A76. The clock speed here is 2.3 GHz.In this processor, the first 2X core performance is installed for the task. In which KRYO 470 Gold CPU has been installed. Which is based on ARM Cortex A76. Here the clock speed is 2.2 GHz.
There are 6X cores for efficiency tasks. Here the KRYO 465 Silver CPU is installed which is based on ARM CORTEX-A55. Which has a clock speed of 1.8 GHz.Here the next 6X core efficiency is employed. In which KRYO 470 Silver CPU is installed. Which is based on ARM Cortex A55. The clock speed here is 1.8 GHz.

Now if the CPUs of these two processors are seen properly, then Snapdragon 720G gets better clock speed than Snapdragon 730G.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G Processor

CPU Fabrication Process

If we talk about the CPU fabrication process, then both these processors are built on the 8NM fabrication process.

CPU Architecture & Core

Both these processors are 64 bit, octa-core processors. That is, both these processors have 8-8 cores for task distribution and multi-tasking.

Graphing Processing Unit (GPU) in Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G Processor

If we look at the GPU in both these processors

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
QUALCOMM ADRENO 618 GPU has been installed in the Snapdragon 720G Processor. Its clock speed is 825 MHZ.QUALCOMM ADRENO 618 GPU has been installed in the Snapdragon 730G Processor.
This GPU also remains at 7nm.This GPU also remains at 8nm.

Ram Support

Different rams are supported in both these processors.

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
The Snapdragon 720G Processor supports Dual Channel LPDDR4X Ram. Which has a RAM frequency of up to 1866 MHZ.The Snapdragon 730G Processor supports Dual Channel LPDDR4X Ram. Which has a RAM frequency of up to 1866 MHZ.
This processor supports up to 8GB of RAM.This processor supports up to 8GB of RAM.

Both processors have the same ram and same ram frequency support.

Storage Support

Both Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G processors support EMMC 5.1 and UFS 2.1 storage.

EMMC 5.1 Storage

Camera Supporting in Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G Processor

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
This processor supports two 22 + 22 (megapixel) cameras simultaneously. Here it also has the support of MFNR ZSL. There is also the support of 30FPS.This processor supports two 22+22 (megapixel) cameras simultaneously. Here it also has the support of MFNR ZSL at 30FPS.
This processor supports a 36 MP (megapixel) single camera. Here it also has the support of MFNR ZSL. There is also the support of 30FPS.This processor supports a 36 MP (megapixel) single camera. Here it also has the support of MFNR ZSL at 30FPS.
It can also support a 48MP single camera. Only MFNR support is available here.This processor can also support a 48MP single camera. In which MFNR is supported.
This processor supports a maximum of 192MP camera.This processor supports a maximum of 192MP camera.

If we talk about camera support in both processors, then there is the support of similar cameras in both processors.

Video Capture Resolution

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
This processor supports 4K video recording at 30FPS. Whose pixel size is 2160P.This processor supports 4K video recording at 30FPS. Whose pixel size is 2160P.
This processor has support for 1080P video recording at 120FPS.This processor has support for 1080P video recording at 120FPS.
This processor has support for 720P video recording at 240FPS.This processor has support for 720P video recording at 240FPS.
In this processor, we also get the support of SLO-MO video recording.Here slo-mo is also supported.

In the case of video recording, both processors are the same.

Display Support

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
This processor also supports a Full HD+ display. The pixel support available in it is 2520×1080.This processor also supports QUAD HD+ display. With which the refresh rate is 60HZ. The pixel support available in it is 1440×3360.

Snapdragon 720G has better display support than Snapdragon 730G.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G Processor

LTE Modem

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
Snapdragon X15 LTE Modem has been installed here.Snapdragon X15 LTE MODEM is supported in this processor.
In this processor, Download Speed 800 MBPS and Uploads Speed 150 MBPS is available.Here on the Download Speed 800 MBPS and Uploads Speed 150 MBPS is available.

Antutu Scores of Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G Processor

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
The ANTUTU score of the Snapdragon 720G Processor is 2,80,681.The ANTUTU score of the Snapdragon 730G Processor is 2,82,569.

Geekbench Scores of Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G Processor

Snapdragon 720G ProcessorSnapdragon 730G Processor
The Geekbench score that Snapdragon 720G Processor has received in Single Core is 561.The Geekbench score that Snapdragon 730G Processor has received in Single Core is 548.
Snapdragon 720G Processor gets 1,668 Geekbench scores in Multi-Core.Snapdragon 730G Processor gets 1,725 Geekbench scores in Multi-Core.


If both these processors are concluded then both the Snapdragon 720G and Snapdragon 730G are almost identical. Just Snapdragon 720G offers more clock speed than Snapdragon 730G. Both these processors support 4G. That is, both of them do not support 5G.

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